Choosing a school is always a tedious task for most parents today because there are just so many options to choose from. Moreover, with every school promising the best amenities and attractive facilities, it can get even more confusing to decide on one. The decision relies on several factors like budget, location, the type of curriculum, staff reputation, and more. Over the last decade or so, there has been an upswing in the number of enrolments in international schools across India. Even in the national capital region or NCR and around, there has been a spurt of new-age international schools that have emerged. 

Owing to popularity of the international schooling, parents often end up making huge lines at the admission windows of such schools. Therefore, at some point in time, if you live around Delhi and are looking for a good school, you might have searched for top schools in Ghaziabad or the top 10 schools in Ghaziabad or around. However, before taking the plunge into international schooling, you might want to know some of the major benefits of choosing the top schools in Ghaziabad for an international grade. We bring you some of the benefits of why choosing an international school is better in today’s day and age. 

Benefits of Choosing an International School

  • Heightened exposure and networking: The major difference you would notice from a typical school in India versus an international name from among the top schools in Ghaziabad, is greater exposure to new-age learning, international boards keep evolving their patterns for study as well as syllabus. The latest trends keep finding ways to get incorporated into the international curriculum.  More so, it gets easier and more gradual as a process for international board students to transition into educational institutions for their higher levels. Of course, this naturally brings in greater scope for exposure to networks globally. 

  • Cross-cultural learning: Thanks to the multi-faceted skills of international board teachers, students get more exposed to cross-cultural learning. Moreover, students at the top schools in Ghaziabad of international stature have students from myriad backgrounds and cultures. This enhances the overall global cultural exposure for students. In the longer run, this helps develop better clarity of thought and a deeper understanding of human behavior. Cross-cultural awareness is the need of the hour given the complex patterns that operate across social strata.

    1. Additional resources: International schools offer state-of-the-art facilities and resources that support student learning better. Some of these include science labs, computer labs, libraries, sports facilities, and art studios. 
  • Innovation and add-on extra curriculum: The methodology that international-level top schools in Ghaziabad follow is based on the latest technology and trends. There is a lot of focus on practical learning while utilizing modern and relevant concepts. There is also the advantage of added extra curriculum that is routinely built into daily classes at the international schools in Ghaziabad. For the traditional Indian board-based schools extra curriculum is in a way extra. This is major because the learning system in these schools is more like rote learning while the focus on add-on curriculum is slightly off-balance.

  • Focused development and attention: Thanks to the lower teacher-student ratio at an international board school, there is a higher focus on individual students. There is ample scope for one-on-one interactions in the classroom, between the teacher and students. This leads to better teacher-student understanding, better learning outcomes, and superior absorption of teachings from the classroom. At the top 10 schools in Ghaziabad, you will find a great emphasis on a lesser student-teacher ratio. 
  • Advanced teaching methodology: Latest tech and innovative teaching aids are commonly used across the top schools in Ghaziabad. This aligns with new-age learning rather than just relying on textbooks in a much superior way. These methods actually lead to enhanced learning and takeaways from every class. The traditional Indian boards are gradually changing but still have a long way to go.

While these are some advantages, as parents you need to also do your own research to see what’s best for your child. When choosing the top schools in Ghaziabad of international affiliations make sure to check up on the credentials. Always do some cross-checking and verification of the school’s reputation. Understanding the mission and vision statements of the relevant schools also helps parents or guardians truly gauge the value these could bring to your ward. You can consider the Delhi Public School, which is one of the top schools in Ghaziabad promising academic excellence. Head over to the school’s website to do your primary research and you can even visit the campus to verify the details yourself. 

A huge attraction developing towards international schools, there is a certain categorization of education that you can tap into. However, do your research well, and dig deep considering all your other factors to understand if an international school would indeed be a suitable choice for your child. Priorities, choices, budget, and ambition that you can afford for your child’s education are the factors that dictate the ultimate choice of intentional board schools. The idea remains to make an informed choice instead of simply making a beeline for the top 10 schools in Ghaziabad just because everyone else is choosing to do so.